The data used to produce the league, compiled by British data analysis firm Cable, ranks 200 countries according to their average broadband speed in megabits per second.
The analysis was collated by M-Lab, a partnership between New America's Open Technology Institute, Google Open Source Research, Princeton University's PlanetLab and other supporting partners, and compiled by Cable between June 2017 and May 2018.
- Broadband speed varies depending on the country you're located - i t even varies from one region to another within countries.
- British data analysis firm Cable analysed 200 countries according to their average broadband speed
- The United States of America has shockingly low internet speeds compared with other smaller places around the world.
Here are the 23 countries in the world where broadband internet is fastest and there is no space for Pakistan in the list.
23. France — 24.23 megabits per second
22. Madagascar — 24.87 megabits per second
21. Slovakia — 25.3 megabits per second
20. United States — 25.86 megabits per second
19. Hong Kong — 26.45 megabits per second
18. Andorra — 27.14 megabits per second
17. Lithuania — 27.417 megabits per second
16. Spain — 27.19 megabits per second
15. Estonia — 27.91 megabits per second
14. Taiwan — 29.09 megabits per second
13. Latvia — 28.63 megabits per second
12. Japan — 28.94 megabits per second
11. Switzerland — 29.92 megabits per second
10. Jersey — 30.9 megabits per second
9. Hungary — 34.01 megabits per second
8. Luxembourg — 35.14 megabits per second
7. The Netherlands — 35.95 megabits per second
6. Belgium — 36.71 megabits per second
5. Romania — 38.6 megabits per second
4. Norway — 40.12 megabits per second
3. Denmark — 43.99 megabits per second
2. Sweden — 46 megabits per second
1. Singapore — 60.39 megabits per second
Via Business Insider